Art Finance

October 1, 2017

1) Zhan Wang: Art Investment Report
2) Emerging Canadian Artists: Art investment Report
3) Art Investment Case Competition 2017-10

Committed to quantifying the return on investment and risk of the art market, the art finance team of Chenghuai studies the investment strategy of the art market from the perspective of statistics and econometrics.

Art Investing — Millennium Approach on Valuation Strategy:

In collaboration with McGill Bankers in Asia(MBIA), Asia Pacific Art and Culture Association organized the very first art finance case competition Art Investing — Millennium Approach on Valuation Strategy in McGill University. The purpose of the case is to explore the potential of financial analysts in demonstrating their professionally in analyzing auction data. Analysts were required using financial instrument in analyzing art work, calculating the investment returns and providing speculations. In order to promote comprehensive reports, we inquired the cooperation between art historians and financial analysts in the process of case competition. The result of case competition is inspiring in providing a millennium approach in balancing the value of artwork from art historical perspectives as well as the financial perspectives.

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